With respect to the AKSh's area of operations, the United States (US) Department of State's Country Reports on Terrorism states that the "AKSh had long claimed to operate only in areas outside of KFOR [Kosovo Force] or Kosovo Protection Corps control, and was reportedly also active in southern Serbia and western Macedonia" (US 30 Apr. 2008; see also PanARMENIAN.net 8 Jan. 2008). Country Reports on Terrorism also indicates that AKSh spokesperson Gafurr Adili [also spelled Gafur (PHW 2007 2007, 20)] stated that the AKSh was "'filling a void' created by KFOR's alleged abandonment of several villages near Serbia proper in the municipalities of Podujevo and Kamenica" (US 30 Apr. 2008). According to the Research Associate, the AKSh is based in eastern Albania and operates primarily in the border region of northeastern Albania with Kosovo (30 July 2008).